Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's Leftover night

I must say, I truly love leftovers. They are just like hand-me-downs, so perfected the second time around. Now, I didn't grow up with too many leftover nights, as my Mom was quite efficient with cooking the exact amount of food for a family of 4. Also, I don't think my Dad liked leftovers, so these nights were few and far between (usually occurring when he was out of town). Admittedly, I looked forward to them (not as much as I looked forward to TV dinner night (also usually occurring when Dad was out of town).....mmmmmmm....that warm pudding heated up nicely in BPA emitting plastic covering...... God I miss the ignorance of the 80's.....but, leftovers, so good and most likely not cancer causing).

Fast forward 30 years & we have leftovers quite frequently when I cook and that is because
1. I'm not too efficient with cooking, sometimes I have too little, and mostly too much.
2. I lack some serious spacial/portion skills (Who knew there was so much Math involved with cooking).
3. I measure nothing, so most of my food is "one of a kind".
4. As I mentioned, I was quite neglected in my leftovers as a child and now I must live my leftover dreams.
I LOVE leftovers for lunch and once again for dinner and maybe breakfast the day after. (Enjoy it, because it will never taste this way a second time)
I LOVE YOU leftovers.  I don't have to cook, or measure or efficientate. I just reheat and open a new bottle of wine. It's that easy.

With this love of the leftovers, I decided to use my leftover paint from one painting and use it on a new one. The colors were already mixed, just need to "heat it up". Now, some will love it and some will not, but it's still new even though it was leftover.

Fall Waters (2015)
Acrylic on panel 5x7

Just get out the brushes and open a new bottle of wine.
It's that easy

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