Saturday, October 6, 2018

I finished!

I finished the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge! 
And here's what happened: 
1. I was exhausted for the first 3 weeks trying to get into a good routine to be successful; and I found out how many days I can realistically go without a shower (It's 2 and must be over the weekend).  
2. My kids ate snacks for dinner or mac and cheese for basically a month & so they really want me to do another 30 in 30 again. 
3. I went to work, the kids school, flag football games and many more places with glitter all over my face. 
4. I really wish that I could put googly eyes on my children when they are fighting with eachother. 
5. I am really behind on my Netflix shows. 

Here are weeks 3&4 with some left out for other posts I'm working on. 

Day 23: I don't know, where do you want to eat? Oh I don't care where do you want to go eat?
(And the weekend dinner choice fight begins)
Acrylic, glitter, googly eyes and sequins on clay board 8x10

Day 24: Oh man...all the pizza rolls are gone.
Acrylic, glitter, googly eye on gesso board 6x6

Day 18: There's a chill coming, time to get out the ascot
Acrylic, glitter, googly eye and a pearl on gesso board 6x6

Day 21: Wait a's way too quiet up there.
Acrylic, glitter, googly eye, and sequins on canvas 10x10

Day 26: I hope there's donuts in space.
Acrylic, glitter, and beads on gesso board 6x6
Day 28: Sunflower posers
Acrylic and glitter on canvas board 8x10
Day 22: Houndstooth Swan
Acrylic, glitter and googly eye on gesso board 8x10

Day 29: Put your dirty clothes in the hamper, just one time!
Acrylic, glitter, googly eye on canvas 9x12
Day 30: Looks like Mom is making dinner, so I'll just fill up on snacks.
Acrylic, glitter, googly eye and sequins on canvas 6x12
(This one was commissioned by my 5 year old...I'm pretty sure she will never pay me for this.)

Actually, I really wish I could just put googly eyes on everyone and watch them all go about their day. 

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